Sunday, December 4, 2011

Well I have officially adopted the Spaniard form of life

So I have been here for 3 months... and I feel like I can't speak English anymore... I've had two English tests since I've been here, and I didn't pass either with a 10. Its like when I am speaking  English with my fellow American exchange student, Jess Nelson, I notice how bad I speak English. For example I remember parts of  past conversations.
Jess-When do we have to go the next rotary event?
Me- Well know do I.... I mean I don't know...
Jess-How did your math test go?
Me- I think I didn't doos it well.
Jess- How well can you speak Spanish?
Me- I talk Spanish good.
Jess- Have you noticed that since we have been here our English has gotten worse?
Me- It's gotten to the point where my English teacher thinks I can't speak English, so she makeded me do problems in class.

It's just what happens when you have been speaking another language all day, everyday, for 3 months straight.

I have started a rap group with a friend... Yes, you guys can all laugh but I think its cool! I'm doing it because I still want to be a part of some kind of composition of music... so I'm learning how to speak in rhyme, its harder than I thought but I'll get better in time. But one things for sure rapping is pretty fun, I'll show you all my songs when they are done. Because I've adopted to the way a Spaniard lives, it's just what the experience being an exchange student gives.

My basket ball team is in first place in our league.... How cool!!!
We beat the 2nd best team in Granada, and I had a 20+ point game!

Getting better at break dancing.... I can do a head stand!

Passing all but 2 classes...
(P.E. and Math)
these are both really hard classes... and yes P.E is hard! (Harder than I thought, harder than most of the classes)

Well that is all I got for now....

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