Right after getting back home from Barcelona, I had about two hours to get naked, shower, get dressed, and nice pants that I had bought in Barcelona, a nice pink shirt, and the blazer my host mom's friend let me use. I walked out of my house with style! Later that night I met up with my entire class in a park south of El Centro, and we hung out there for a few hours. Later, we all went together to a discoteca Granada 10. That night was a special night for me, I got to party and have fun with all of my school friends util 8 in the morning. Then me and a few friends tired as can be went to go eat churros with chocolate. The best breakfast in the world!
Me with Rosana |
Leticia and I |
Rosa and I |
Natalia an I |
Estefania and I |
Me and the Guys |
Me Raquel and Adri |
La Granada 10 Discoteca |
After I we went for the churros, I decided to say good-bye to all of my basketball friends down at CB Granada. So after partying all night, I went to go play basketball at 9 in the morning! I don't know how my body could physically handle it but I still ended up playing! I then said good-bye to my three coaches, Fede, Mayte, and Pablo. Then I said good-bye to Navarrete, Coke, Carlos and Sergio from my team. It ended up being an emotional day; I remember getting home at like 4pm the next day. While I was eating lunch, out of nowhere, I just broke down and started crying uncontrollably. In that moment it just hit me, I knew my time in Spain was just about up, because I already started saying my good-byes.
Two days later I returned to school to take a few tests that I had missed while I was in Barcelona, which were for economics and history. I ended up passing both of them. Even though my grades weren't necessarily good, I ended up passing all of my classes except for math. It was a huge accomplishment for me, especially because I thought I would fail everything in the beginning of the year. It was harder than I thought it would be but regardless I was proud to have passed everything else except math. Also my class threw a surprise party for me. My whole class was there with food, drinks, and a video of me at the end of it! It was another moment in which I broke down in tears, but I was happy to have gotten the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. They told me that I could come back anytime to visit, and I guess someday I will.
Two days later a few friends of mine invited me to the beach to celebrate la fiesta de San Juan. We went to the beach of Salobreña while Spain was playing against France in the Euro Cup. Spain ended up winning 2-0, and while we all stood there in the dark, I heard everyone start singing "Yo soy Español Español Español", which is a song the Spaniard sang for their national team. Then we set a fire on the beach, watched the fireworks, and dozed off. It was perfect, an absolutely perfect night that I got to share with all of my friends right before I left to the USA.
The bonfire on the beach (not the fire we lit) |

On my last day the Rotary asked me to give a presentation on my entire year in Spain, based on how I felt and what I did. At first I had no intention to give a formal presentation on my last day in Spain, but my host mother later convinced me that it needed to be done. So I did it, I gave future Spaniard exchange students a presentation on all of the things I did while I was on my exchange. It actually felt good; it gave me closure to reflect on my time spent there. While I lived there I never thought of my experience as a whole, only in specific parts. At the end of my presentation my rotary gave me a brand new Spanish soccer jersey with my nick name "Guit" on the back. When I finished my presentation I was surprise to find a group of my friends waiting for me; they were going to take me out for the last time. At this point I said good-bye to my host family and left my packed bags with my friend Rosa. These are some pictures of my last night.
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